
As every year, Samsic is pleased to share its new Corporate Social Responsibility report. Through our Samsic Planet 2030 program, you will find our CSR policies, objectives, and initiatives carried out in 2023, in line with our commitments. Let's take a look.

CSR holds a central place in the strategy of the Samsic Group and is integrated into our daily operations, at the heart of our agencies and client sites. Thanks to our mobilization and actions in service of people, society, and the environment, we collectively address current challenges and improve our CSR performance.


To drive change and structure our approach, we have developed the "Samsic Planet 2030" program, which is based on four strategic pillars:

• Participate in the preservation of our environment

Achieving this ambition involves not only our Low Carbon Trajectory but also the development of an eco-responsible service offering and the definition of a policy in favor of the circular economy. The actions we take follow a common thread: acting today to preserve future generations.


• Value our resources and cultivate our talents

The group constantly monitors the working conditions, well-being, and professional development of its 125,000 employees. Taking care of our teams is a priority and a guarantee of quality for the services the group provides daily, with rigor and expertise.


• Offer responsible and innovative service

Samsic values and optimizes living and working spaces by providing efficient and sustainable solutions that incorporate performance, workplace well-being, and flexibility. In this regard, innovation is a constant in the services we offer, aimed at improving the daily lives of our clients and their employees.


• Contribute to the development of a supportive and sustainable society

To contribute to a supportive and sustainable society, the group, along with its employees, is committed to supporting and expanding civic initiatives and solidarity projects in favor of communities. Likewise, participating in the development of the territories where Samsic is established is a priority, both in France and internationally.


The initiatives presented in this report are concrete examples of our commitments in action.